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Ports of Jersey to take legal action against union in pension dispute

Ports of Jersey to take legal action against union in pension dispute

Tuesday 02 July 2024

Ports of Jersey to take legal action against union in pension dispute

Tuesday 02 July 2024

Ports of Jersey has taken legal action against a trade union for opting out of an agreed dispute resolution process by announcing plans for industrial action.

The union Prospect said it is taking industrial action after Ports of Jersey barred new members from joining the Public Employees’ Pension Fund scheme.

New employees were instead offered what the union described as "a savings scheme that provides a finite sum and not a pension".

Prospect said that the Airport firefighters is the only group of eligible emergency service workers in the island to be denied access to the scheme – leaving them without the same pension protections afforded to ambulance staff, police, and civilian firefighters.

In a statement, the union said that members would be balloted "in the near future" and that "any action taken will not interfere with emergency cover but may close the Airport at times".

Responding to the union's plans, Ports of Jersey said that the new scheme provided "a good-quality pension" and that the organisation contributed 5-10% into each employee's pot.

A spokesperson said the organisation had introduced a defined contribution occupational retirement scheme for all new joiners in 2020.

Ports of Jersey said: "The scheme provides a good quality pension and covers all employees, including those in operational teams such as the Airport Fire Service, Coastguard, security officers and air traffic control.

"Ports of Jersey contributes 5-10% into each employee's pension pot."

The dispute has already gone through three stages of a four-stage resolution process, with Ports saying that Prospect's decision to opt-out and pursue industrial action has left them with no choice but to take legal action.

The organisation added: "The defined contribution pension scheme was introduced for all new Ports of Jersey employees in 2020, after a ballot of union members.

"When Prospect pulled out of the agreed dispute resolution process, we launched Employment Tribunal proceedings against them.

"This process is now underway so we will not comment any further."

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