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New skatepark "certainly part of Fort Regent brief"

New skatepark

Wednesday 11 September 2024

New skatepark "certainly part of Fort Regent brief"

Wednesday 11 September 2024

A new skate facility has been included in the brief given to Jersey Development Company for regenerating Fort Regent, it has been revealed.

Infrastructure Minister Andy Jehan said that proposals currently being drawn up aimed to "breathe life back" into the iconic but ageing site.

The Constable made the comments during this week's States sitting, when Deputy Hilary Jeune asked for more details regarding the JDC's recently-confirmed involvement in the redevelopment of Fort Regent.


Pictured: The Jersey Development Company is helping the government develop plans for Fort Regent.

Mr Jehan said: "The Fort is at a crossroads in its life and successive governments have grappled with bringing forward a viable plan that will ensure its future as an asset for islanders and visitors to enjoy."

"We are working along similar lines to the previous government," he continued.

"At the Regeneration Steering Group's first meeting in May this year, it was agreed that the States of Jersey Development Company would take on the role of project manager, to develop new plans aimed at breathing life back into Fort Regent in a way that is both sustainable and viable."


Pictured: "The Fort is at a crossroads in its life".

Mr Jehan added: "At this time, the States of Jersey Development Company's role is to progress plans for essential refurbishment works to the structure, while simultaneously developing a viable plan for its future use which will be consulted on.

"This planning work is being funded by the States of Jersey Development Company, utilizing the remaining funds from the College Gardens development and the longer-term funding for the delivery of the project remains under consideration and will be brought to the Assembly in due course."

Mr Jehan also confirmed that there have been "no discussions" about transferring the land, which is owned by the government, to the JDC.

Skate facility "certainly part of the brief"

The decanting of sports groups from Fort Regent, which included the closure of the gym, began a few years ago under previous plans to regenerate the site.

Deputy Lucy Stephenson, a former Sports Minister, asked if the brief given to the JDC included "the return of sport to the Fort".


Pictured: Deputy Lucy Stephenson asked whether "the return of sport to the Fort" would feature within the JDC's plans.

Mr Jehan said: "Certainly my intention is that there will be an element of sport at Fort Regent.

"I think it's too early to say the details of that, but I know an area that the Deputy and I are both keen on is having some skate facility in St Helier and that's certainly part of the brief."

His comments will no doubt be of interest to the island's urban sport community, which celebrated the launch of a brand new facility at Les Quennevais in 2023.

No plans have yet been revealed to replace the skate park that was located at the New North Quay, which closed at the end of last year. Proposals for a facility at South Hill were put forward back in 2021, but a decision was taken not to progress them.


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