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These taxes are killing us - pub landlord

These taxes are killing us - pub landlord

Monday 13 January 2014

These taxes are killing us - pub landlord

Monday 13 January 2014

Pubs will close if the States don't act to help them, according to one experienced landlord who says that a review of licensing rules should do more to protect the trade.

The Lamplighter landlord Sean Murphy wants politicians to lay off annual duty rises and says pubs are finding it hard enough already. The Alcohol and Licensing Strategy published by the Chief Minister's department this week proposes reviewing longer pub opening hours and alcohol prices.

But putting up prices hasn't succeeded in cutting down drinking in the UK and Mr Murphy isn't convinced it's the answer for Jersey.

He said: "There needs to be less duty, it's killing the industry.

"People will still be able to buy cheaper alcohol from supermarkets. It will just create an unfair playing field for small public houses and we'll probably see a lot of small pubs closing."

He said plans to extend opening times and increase prices will just encourage people to drink more heavily at home first, they'll then go out later and he believes that will only really help nightclubs.

Statistics contained in the consultation report suggest that Jersey has a serious drink problem – adult Islanders drink some 12.8 litres of alcohol per year, a figure that is significantly higher than the European average of 11 litres.


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