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Teenager asks to be sent to Greenfields to keep him off 'legal highs'

Teenager asks to be sent to Greenfields to keep him off 'legal highs'

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Teenager asks to be sent to Greenfields to keep him off 'legal highs'

Wednesday 16 August 2017

A 16-year-old boy was remanded in custody by the Youth Court on Tuesday after he asked to be sent to Greenfields in order to stop his behaviour from spiralling out of control.

The teenager appeared in court after he stole a bottle of vodka in Waitrose and used threatening or abusive words in town in July.

Advocate Darry Robinson, who was prosecuting, said there was a significant risk the teenager might reoffend. He added that the teenager himself had told social workers he was concerned about committing further offences as he can't control himself. Advocate Robinson said that the most appropriate long term solution was for the boy to be placed under a secure probation order with a placement at Greenfields for up to two weeks in the interim. 

The teenager, who appeared with his mum, a social worker and his advocate Guillaume Staal, told the court that he was better off at Greenfields. He said: "I have reoffended multiple times, I have broken my bail conditions. If I don't stop I'm going to continue with my legal highs and my drugs and pretty much end up screwing up. I think the best solution is to put me in for a while so I can get off my legal highs."

His mother echoed his feelings saying, "I'd rather have him limit his criminal record now." The social worker who met with the young man described him as completely out of control. He explained that the teenager is using legal high, synthetic cannaboids, which cause psychosis and compounds his depression and anxiety. His mother came to me with a cry a for help. He spiralled out of control and is vulnerable to negative peers and drugs. He is asking us to intervene by controlling his physical environment to  get him out of drugs, to keep him safe and give him order. It is with a heavy heart, as a social worker, that I agree with the Crown's recommendations but my rationale is in his best interest."

All three members of the Youth Court panel praised the young man for his honesty and bravery. Chairperson Sarah Fitz said: "This is to be greatly admired, we will do anything to help you. We don’t like to lock up people just because that is what they ask for. We consider if there is a risk of reoffending and given what we heard we think this is met. We can remand you in custody because we are afraid you might reoffend and that is not good for you because you say it has been on and off. We do wish you well and the best of luck."

Panel member Paul Battrick told the teenager: "It is a nice thing to see you are trying to help yourself, that is not something we see that often." 

The teenager has been remanded in custody at Greenfields and will appear again in court next week as the panel members want to see how things are progressing with him.

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