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New town cycle lane launching today

New town cycle lane launching today

Monday 14 June 2021

New town cycle lane launching today

Monday 14 June 2021

A new two-way cycle lane running along Hill Street will be opening today as part of a year-long pilot to encourage more students to cycle to school.

Spanning the length between Halkett Place and La Motte Street, the lane will be marked with appropriate road signage, bollards and white lines to prevent motorists from crossing into it.

The unloading bay and parking next to Morier House will make way for the cycle lane, but the unloading bay by Dunell's will remain.

Infrastructure Minister Deputy Kevin Lewis previously said he hoped the change will enable cyclists to more easily access town from the east of the island or reach St. Saviour schools without having to go through the Tunnel or around Mount Bingham.


CLICK TO ENLARGE: The new cycle route from above.

Throughout the pilot year, feedback will be taken into account and further safety measures added if needed.

Plans for the lane were released last year, and a consultation on the matter received 258 responses - nearly two thirds from cyclists and pedestrians. More than half said such a change would encourage them to walk and cycle in Hill Street.

It follows a decision to make Midvale Road one-way to make the area more friendly for the 500 pedestrians that use it on a daily basis. Three speed bumps are also being installed as part of the plan.


CLICK TO ENLARGE: The new Midvale Road traffic route.

The changes to Hill Street and Midvale Road are part of the Government’s wider Sustainable Transport Strategy to encourage islanders to engage in greener forms of travel and work towards the island’s ambition of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

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