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Working mums inspire island’s first Working Parents Summit

Working mums inspire island’s first Working Parents Summit

Thursday 20 June 2024

Working mums inspire island’s first Working Parents Summit

Thursday 20 June 2024

Jersey's first-ever 'Working Parents Summit' is set to take place next month inspired by a support group launched by two working mums.

The Diversity Network and HSBC are inviting politicians, working parents and their colleagues, and employers in all industries to the event on 4 July at The Grand Hotel from 9:00 to 11:30.

The summit is inspired by the experiences of two working mums at HSBC, Jenny Le Marquand and Katherine Ryan, who started a conversation and support group within HSBC and are now keen to take the conversation out into the business community.

As the first event of its kind in Jersey, the event aims to share best practice and start a community-wide conversation about the challenges of raising a family alongside building a career.

Early years childhood development will be placed central to the business case for family-friendly workplaces.

The panel of experts include Fiona Vacher, Executive Director of Jersey Childcare Trust; Dan Read, Employment Law Partner at Walkers International; and Dr Tricia Tumelty, CEO of Mind Jersey.

Kate Wright, co-founder of The Diversity Network, said: "For most working parents, juggling the pressures of work and home life are a daily challenge.

"Sometimes this challenge can feel stressful and overwhelming, leading some to reduce their hours or responsibilities, and possibly even leave the workplace."


Pictured: Kate Wright, co-founder of The Diversity Network. 

She continued: "These stresses and barriers to balancing work and family life can have repercussions on our financial wellbeing, long term career progression and our health and wellbeing.

"They also have serious repercussions for employers struggling to attract and retain good people, and on the sustainability and growth of our island's economy.

"We have very progressive family-friendly legislation in Jersey which, combined with the growing number of supportive and forward-thinking employers working hard to create inclusive workplaces, means we have a real opportunity to achieve inclusion for all working parents and remain competitive on the global stage."

Warwick Long, CEO of HSBC Channel Islands and Isle of Man, added that the bank was pleased to co-host the "open discussion" about how organisations can support working parents.

"Discussing best practices at events such as this will ensure that as an island business community, we're providing the best possible support for our people," he said.

Islanders can register for free HERE.

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