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Fly the French flag for Jersey this summer

Fly the French flag for Jersey this summer

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Fly the French flag for Jersey this summer

Tuesday 14 April 2015

If you are young, interested in local and international politics and if your French is très bien you could be off to represent Jersey in Switzerland this summer.

The 7th French-speaking youth parliament is being held in Berne from 5 July and the hunt is on to find two young people aged between 18 and 23 to go to the three-day event as ambassadors.

The Parlement Francophone des Jeunes is held every two years in countries where French is either the first or second language and gives young people a chance to see parliamentary democracy in action and debate a range of topics in the spotlight today with young people from across the French-speaking world.

Young Islanders have represented Jersey in the past at Parlements des Jeunes in Quebec, Gabon, Luxembourg and the Ivory Coast.

The President of the Jersey Section of the APF Connétable Juliette Gallichan said: “All the young people from Jersey who have attended the Parlement ds Jeunes in previous years have found it to be an extremely worthwhile and enjoyable experience and many have formed long-lasting friendships with other participants from across the world.

“The Parlement is also a very useful opportunity for anyone studying French to use the language in a very practical way and would be of great practical benefit for any young person wishing to improve their fluency in the language.”

Applications have to be in by Friday 24 April and interviews will be held in French shortly afterwards and by Skype or FaceTime for anyone studying outside the Island.

You can find out more about the event by emailing Michael de la Haye, OBE, the Greffier of the States at or you can download an information sheet here.

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