"The Jersey Government, (also know as the Alliance Party but 'shush' don’t tell anyone as they may deny this as well) doesn’t consider there is a housing crisis.
If you ask them, they will also tell you there isn’t a mental health crisis, there isn’t a crisis with health provision, there isn’t a crisis in our unchecked increasing population.
Jersey is all ok in the eyes of the Alliance party government. We are meant to accept the words of Members of the Alliance party, who, in the spirit of an Orwellian society, chant to us the mantra ‘believe what we tell you not as you may see’.
But Jersey is not OK. It is in the throes of crisis. The crisis stems from the heart of government and the system we currently have. We have Alliance party government ministers that as a collective are weak, lack vision and lack decisiveness.
We don’t believe you Alliance Party, affordable housing is in crisis. Nothing you tell us will change this basic proposition. The evidence is all around us.
What on earth has gone wrong?
Supply and demand is a main part of the issue. A failure in long term planning and decisive and consistent government policy to tackle the issue decisively, is the problem. Just look how our Chief Minister John Le Fondre tried to block Andium from building much needed homes on Anne Court.
Is the answer to build?
We have to re-address the housing affordability crisis. We have to ensure Islanders are able to access affordable housing. We do have to build, but we also have to be realistic. Jersey is only 9 miles by 5 miles. We cannot just continue to build and build and build. Do we want Jersey to turn into an urban sprawl, a Hong Kong of the English Channel? We don’t think any Jersey voter really wants that.
What we need is to becoming smarter and think more positively about our wonderful small island nation, we need to protect and safeguard our countryside, shoreline and island for future generations.
While not palatable to some, we do have to consider for example how we can better regulate inward migration. Inward migration is a positive, but it must be handled smarter than it is at present. We also have to continue with interventions, such as with the Andium and Parish led schemes and bring forward projects and be bold in our actions and not just in our words.
The Jersey housing crisis will not just go away. But the first step is to stop the misinformation from Jersey’s Alliance Government, we have a crisis and we need to focus on how we solve the affordable housing deficit. If we don’t, valued islanders will leave our beautiful shores and relocate to other jurisdictions. We will lose the very people who make Jersey what it is."